Speech Therapy
Speech and language therapy helps your child to develop or improve their language, speech, memory and attention.
Our SLP's specialize in working with the pediatric population with varying exceptionalities and communication disorders including but not limited to:
- Expressive & Receptive Language Disorders
- Articulation & Phonological Disorders
- Developmental Delays
- Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
- Feeding/ Oral Motor Difficulties Disorders
- Fluency Disorders (Stuttering)
- Auditory Processing Disorders
- Alternative & Augmentative Communication Devices (AAC)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Apraxia
- Dysarthria
Speech Therapy One on One Consultation
During our 30 minute virtual consultation, we will discuss your child's current stages of language development. We will talk about any related concerns you may have and answer your questions. In addition, we will provide you with practical tips specific to your child's needs. We can also guide you with a plan and make recommendations for next steps.
Occupational Therapy One on One Consultation
During our 30 minute virtual consultation, we will discuss your child's current stages of development related to occupational therapy. We will talk about any related concerns you may have and answer your questions. In addition, we will provide you with practical tips specific to your child's needs. We can also guide you with a plan and make recommendations for next steps.